AAC for Beginning Communicators
Course Type: Self-guided, online course
Course Credits: 0.4 ASHA CEU's
Course Schedule: On demand
Course Level: Introductory (see Course Description for more information)
Course Cost: $75.00
login code provided after payment is processed
This course is offered for .40 ASHA CEUs (Introductory Level, Professional Area).
Course Agenda
Unit 1: Introduction to AAC
Unit 2: AAC Assessment
Unit 3: AAC Intervention for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
Unit 4: AAC for Beginning Communicators
Unit 5: Language Development and Intervention
Instructional Personnel:
Financial Disclosure: Nerissa Hall, PhD,CCC-SLP, ATP is a co-founder of Communicare, LLC, and is paid to provide assessment, intervention, consultation and training services through the company. She is co-editor and contributing author for Tele-AAC: Augmentative and Alternative Communication through Telepractice and receives royalty payments from Plural Publishing, Inc.
Nonfinancial Disclosure: Nerissa Hall is a member of ASHA's SIGs 12 and 18 and receives no compensation as a member of either special interest group. She is also a member of RESNA and receives no compensation as a member.
Course Content: Financial and non financial disclosures not applicable. This course makes mention of a number of commercially available AAC/AT tools/systems; however, neither the presenter nor the company receive any financial compensation from those mentioned.
Cancellation Policy: Commūnicāre, LLC reserves the right to cancel a class based on low registration. If a class is cancelled, participants will be notified and can either transfer their registration to another class or request a refund.
Refund Policy: Refunds will not be issued if a participant is unable to attend a class. However, registration may be transferred to another class, if available.
Complaint Policy: If you are not satisfied with the course you purchased, or have questions, comments or concern, please contact our Professional Development Coordinator.