Register for Camp Commūnicāre
We are excited that you are interested in joining us for camp. All campers need to be registered before starting camp, and if participating as part of your school's extended school year (ESY), the District needs to also confirm registration. In order to make sure we all have the right information, please make sure you complete the following:
Required Information:
Camp Commūnicāre Registration Paperwork
(English Form)
Holyoke Public School's Excelsior Application
Current IEP
Updated Medical Records
Therapeutic Equestrian Center Application (if applicable)

(Spanish Form)
(2020 Registration coming soon)
Contact Us Regarding Camp
Hillary is our point of contact for camp.
You can reach her at the following:
Hillary Jellison
Ph: (413) 302-1503
Fax: (800) 635-9636