About Camp Commūnicāre
We understand that individuals who use AAC may often be the only one in their entire class, or even school, to be using it. At Camp, we seek to enrich the lives of all individuals by providing a safe and fun environment where camp goers are surrounded by others who communicate in a similar way. At Camp, AAC is embedded throughout all of our materials, activities and academic initiatives. Whether we are visiting horses, going on a nature walk, eating a snack or playing a game, AAC is used to support the independence of and promote confidence within each individual.
A Day at Camp...
We start our day with free time to help break the ice. Next we move into morning group where we work on social exchanges and pragmatic skills. Focus groups come next; we split into smaller teams where we introduce different activities to each group. We pride ourselves on crafting unique and creative ways to approach academic topics so that our students are engaged and entertained throughout each lesson. We introduce a range of activities including cooking, exercise, dance, music and more! After a fun-filled morning, we sit down for lunch and take time to reflect in our journal each day before heading home.
What Will We Learn?
We cover academic topics ranging from communication, math, reading and writing, also incorporating sensory, fine and gross motor skills. We integrate Academics into all activities using T.H.E. P.A.C.T. framework. Most importantly, our goal for each student is to promote independence, the advancement of personal goals, as well as improved device use and self-confidence. We strive to ensure that each student leaves camp having made new friends (kids and adults alike) and discovering a deeper confidence, both in their AAC abilities and in themselves.
What About Partners?
During Camp, we make sure that Communication Partners are learning just as much as our students. We train Communication Partners on how to support an individual using AAC and also how to model words, phrases and sentences on a device. We teach them how to encourage learning, promote independence and boost confidence of the device user.